Modes. Very useful and easy to incorporate into your saxophone playing. Wikipedia has a great section on the modes here. I am giving a free set of one octave scales to you just for being a member of my site. They are great to start with, but not the full picture. Toss me a buck for two octave and full range scales and patterns. I wrote these down so you didn’t have to. Lots of great stuff here that will keep you busy for a week or two (or three, por four…).
Modes are helpful for improvisation as well as technique. The two octave stuff or even full range is best. Start slow and build up your speed. Even tone, even speed. If you need a metronome go here.
All modes, all keys, one octave. This one is on me! One Octave Modes all keys
Here is a video about the Dorian mode and how cool and easy it is to use!
Individual modes, one octave. This one is free because I dig your dedication!